Project Cargo


We specialize in handling and arranging Domestic & International transportation of oversized and heavy project critical equipments using Multimodal solutions which best fits the requirements of our valued customers. We are there right from Packing, Securing, Lashing, Haulage, Storage in the yards and onward loading on Vessels, Air-crafts or Specialist Haulage Equipment providing on site availability of resources and coverage including inspection and insurance arrangements.


Shipment Tracking


Contact us

SS Logistics & Supply Chain Management Limited

Imperial Court, Building 2

Exchange Quay


M5 3EB


Off.: +44-161- 457 2140

Fax: +44-161- 457 2001


Customised Air Freight solutions exactly
as per your requirements

Global Ocean Freight Solutions including FCL, LCL
& Break Bulk options

Domestic & International normal and
overnight Road Freight Solutions

Moving your goods Efficiently and Reliably
using Rail Freight Solutions

Taking care of your end to end Supply Chain needs
by minimising the barriers and increasing the process efficiency